☉ Which side of the Filter to use with? ☉ Which side of the Filter to use with? ☉ The DDC Filter has two sides with different surfaces. Which side of the Filter should I use for calibration? RAYNAULD™ Directivity Color Calibration Filter has been through careful optical design to filter the lights through light guiding, centralizing, focusing, defusing, balancing on the filter. Thus, you can use both sides of the filter with the same good result.    

Home Custom Page > FAQ - Camera DCC Filter > ☉ Which side of the Filter to use with?

☉ The DDC Filter has two sides with different surfaces. Which side of the Filter should I use for calibration?

RAYNAULD™ Directivity Color Calibration Filter has been through careful optical design to filter the lights through light guiding, centralizing, focusing, defusing, balancing on the filter. Thus, you can use both sides of the filter with the same good result.